Monday, June 2, 2014

Choice 1: Luke 10:1-24. "The Lord Appointed Other Seventy Also"
1. Review Luke 10:1-24. Based on these verses, write a summary of the Lord's counsel and instructions he gave the seventy.
Prepare the cities for the Lord to come.
Go two by two.
Do not take money or clothing, rely on the people for food and shelter.
Heal the sick.
Teach that Christ has come.
Remove the dust of the cities that do not welcome them as a testimony against them.
They shall not be hurt.
Do not feel pride in themselves, but rejoice that their names are written in heaven.

2. Articles of Faith 1:6 states, "We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church." Using the principles taught from Luke 10:1-2, 8-9, 17-20, write a paragraph that supports this Article of Faith.
Today we have the same offices and organization in our Church as Christ had anciently.  The seventies of our day are called to travel and testify of Christ. Each one is assigned an area of the world wherein they labor to teach others of the gospel and aid the missionaries in their efforts to teach others of Christ. There are currently eight or nine different quorums of seventy in the church, but only those that are called into the First Quorum of the Seventy are considered General Authorities, have a lifetime call, and can work throughout the church. All other seventy can only work in the area they are called to serve and serve for 3-5 years.
While seventy are now called at the Church wide level, there used to be Stake Seventy.  My dad was on of these so I called him and asked about his responsibilities and he told me it was all about missionary work. His assignment was to bear testimony of Jesus Christ, work with the full time missionaries, and teach new members.  These responsibilities are now fulfilled by ward missionaries.

3. Go to the Church's scripture website and read the topic of "Seventy" in the Guide to the Scriptures. Describe in one of two sentences how the scriptures show the existence of this office in the priesthood.
The office of seventy in the Melchizedek priesthood is mentioned several times in the scriptures. In many places in the Doctrine and Covenants the office is mentioned and instruction is given on the responsibilities of the seventy.


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