Lesson 6
Choice 2: Luke 16:1-12, 19-31; 17:11-19; 1:1-14. Parables and Accounts That Teach Eternal Truths
1. Study the following parables and accounts along with the accompanying commentary from the institute student manual. Describe in writing what you feel is the major principle the Lord wants us to understand from each of the parables:
A. Luke 16:1-12, the parable of the unjust steward. "The Children of This World Are in Their Generation Wiser Than the Children of Light" (pg. 124).
The main idea in this parable is to serve our friends. While what the steward did was dishonest to his employer, he was not outside of his rights in his job. This parable is very confusing to me, while I understand the idea of helping friends, I do not believe it should be done in a way that hurts someone else.
B. Luke 16:19-31, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. "What Do We Learn About the Spirit World from the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus?" (pgs. 124-25).
I think the main idea of this parable is not only that we need to live our lives in righteousness in order to be in paradise in the world to come, but also that we need to warn our friends and neighbors. It is up to us, because we have knowledge of Christ's gospel, to teach those around us so that they too can find paradise in the life to come. I also like that it was pointed out in the student manual that the void between paradise and spirit prison can be bridged by those that are called to labor in spirit prison as missionaries.
C. Luke 17:11-19, the ten lepers. "Why Were the Ten Lepers to Show Themselves to the Priests?" and "Were There Not Ten Cleansed?" (pg. 130). See also the Bible Dictionary,, "Leprosy" (pg. 724).
I always thought this story was about faith and showing gratitude, but in reading the student manual I found much more. First Jesus was following the rules of Jewish society in telling the men to show themselves to the priests. Because of the contagiousness of their disease, a leper was an outcast. In order to return to society they had to be given permission by a local priest. Also, because the one that returned was a Samaritan, it also continues to show that Jesus loved all men.
D. Luke 18:1-8, the parable of the unjust judge. "Why Did the Lord Give the Parable of the Unjust Judge?" (pg. 131).
We should pray always and trust that the Lord will hear our prayers and answer them.
E. Luke 18:9-14, the parable of the Pharisee and the publican. "Why Did the Lord Give the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican?" (pg. 131).
We must be humble. Not only did the publican ask for forgiveness, he also showed his humility by bowing his head and not lifting his eyes. Those that are humble will be blessed.
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