Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lesson 9

Choice 1: Joseph Smith - Matthew. The Savior Taught About Future Events
1. Joseph Smith - Matthew 1:4 contains questions that the Savior's disciples asked Him. Verses 5-20 contain the answer the Savior gave to their first question regarding the destruction of the temple, and verses 21-55 contain His answer to their other questions concerning His Second Coming and the destruction of the wicked. Read Joseph Smith - Matthew. Then fill in the following chart. After each item you list, write the verse number where you found that item.

Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (JS-M 1:5-20)
Events to Occur- False Christs- verse 6
Saints persecuted- verse 7
Offense, betrayal and hate- verse 8
False prophets shall deceive- verse 9
Tribulation of Jerusalem and Jews- verse 18-20

Promises to the Righteous- Those that are steadfast will be saved- verse 11
The days shall be shortened- verse 20

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (JS-M 1:21-55)
Events to Occur- False Christs and false prophets who will show signs and wonders and deceive- verse 22
Wars and rumors of wars- verse 23 and 28
Famines, pestilences, and earthquakes- verse 29
Gospel will be preached to all nations- verse 31
Sun, moon, and stars will be dark- verse 33
All Christ's words will be fulfilled- verse 35
Christ shall come- verse 36
The elect will be gathered- verse 37
It will be like the days before the Flood- verse 42

Promises to the Righteous- The coming of Christ will be like the sun rising and the light will cover the whole earth- verse 26
The elect will be gathered- verse 27
Those that are not overcome will be saved- verse 30
All Christ's words will be fulfilled- verse 35
Christ shall come- verse 36
Those with testimonies will not be deceived, the elect will be gathered- verse 37
Those that are ready will be blessed- verse 50

2. Study 1 Nephi 22:16-22; Doctrine and Covenants 97:22, 25. Then write a statement that would give hope to a person who worries about the Second Coming.
There will be a lot going on as we prepare for the Second Coming. There will be wars, famines, earthquakes, etc., but there will also be the opportunity for all the earth to learn of Christ and we have been promised that the righteous will not be destroyed.  If we hold fast to our testimonies and follow the prophet, we will be protected and ready to welcome Christ back to the earth.


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