Monday, May 26, 2014

Lesson 5
Choice 2: Matthew 17:14-21. The Savior Healed a Young Man
1. Review Matthew 17:14-21, and list three things the Savior said were needed for the disciples to heal the man.
The Savior said that the disciples needed faith, prayer, and fasting to be able to heal the boy.
2. Read each of the following references. Next to the reference, write what it teaches about what is needed for miracles to happen.
A. 3 Nephi 18:20
You  must have faith that the miracle can happen.
B. Doctrine and Covenants 50:29
You need to be without sin, to have repented.
C. Doctrine and Covenants 42:48
In order for a person to be healed, it must not be their time to die.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Choice 3: Matthew 14:22–33. Walking on the Sea

  1. Review Matthew 14:22–33. Identify in writing what the reaction of the Apostles was when they first saw the Savior walking on the water toward them.
    The disciples were afraid and thought He was a spirit. (vs. 26)
  2. What did Peter’s response indicate about him?
    Peter had great faith and believed at all things were possible through Christ.
  3. According to Matthew 14:30, why did Peter begin to sink?
    Peter became aware of the winds and was afraid.  His faith was shaken by his fear.
  4. What did Peter do when he began to sink? What word in the verses describes the expediency or the timing when Jesus responded to Peter’s request?
    Peter asked Christ to save him.  He continued to have enough faith to know that Christ could and would save him.
    Christ "immediately" put out his hand and caught Peter.
  5. Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:67. Write a paragraph describing what principle from this verse relates to what Peter did to successfully walk on the water. How can this same principle be applied to your life to assist you in walking over the storms of life?   
    Peter had his "eye single to (Jesus)" as is says in D&C 88:67.  It was only when Peter allowed himself to be distracted from Christ and His power by the wind and waves that he began to sink. Had Peter not become distracted and instead kept all of his attention and concentration on Christ, he would not have begun to go under the water.  So it is in our lives.  If we continually know and do the things that Christ would have us do then we can not be torn away by worldly concerns and  cares. If we focus on Christ and His teachings then we will not be able to be led away by the devil.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Choice 1: Matthew 11:1-19; Luke 7:18-35. John the Baptist

1. Read Matthew 11:1-19 and Luke 7:18-35. What did the two disciples of John the Baptist ask of Jesus Christ? The Savior told them to go back to John and tell what they saw and heard. After reading these accounts, explain three things you would have told John if you had been with those two men.
The disciples asked Jesus if he was the Christ.
If I had been one of John's disciples I would have told John of the things that I had seen Christ do.  I would have seen him perform many miracles, the blind receiving sight, the lepers healed, the lame able to walk, and the deaf able to hear.  I also would tell John that Jesus had the power to raise the dead. Finally I would tell John that Jesus preached the gospel to the poor.  After seeing the miracles and hearing the gospel I believe that I would have a testimony that Jesus was the Christ and therefore would also have born testimony to John of Christ's divinity.

2. Read the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 11:2-3, "Did John Doubt That Jesus Was the Messiah?" (pg. 66). Explain why John wanted his disciples to go to Jesus Christ.
John sent his disciples to Christ so that they could gain their own testimonies that Jesus was the Christ.  John already knew who Jesus was, and had since he was in the womb.  John needed his disciples to gain their own testimonies much like those that are born in the church rely on the testimony of their parents but at some point they have to gain a testimony for themselves.

3. Read the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 11:11 "No Greater Prophet than John the Baptist" (pg. 66).  What did the Savior say about John the Baptist in Matthew 11:11 and Luke 7:28? Provide three reasons given by Joseph Smith why John the Baptist is considered among the greatest prophets.
1. He had the great responsibility of preparing the way for Christ.
2. He had the great responsibility of baptizing Christ.
3. He had the great responsibility of holding the keys of power.

4. What does John 3:30 suggest about John the Baptist and his attitude toward the Savior? Briefly describe how we could apply a similar attitude in our own lives.
John was willing and actively trying to get his disciples to follow Christ rather than follow Him.  Those that followed John needed to decrease while those that follow Christ needed to increase.
Applying this in our own lives would be like turning awa from the things of the world, and turning our hearts toward Christ.  We need to decrease the things that draw our attention away from Christ and increase the things that help us to learn of Him and follow Him.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Lesson Two Student Choice

Choice 2: Matthew 8-9; Mark 2. Miracles Are Evidence of Faith and God’s Power 
1.          Using the following references, fill in the chart below by writing in the second column a brief description of each miracle the Lord performed, then in the third column list those who exercised faith for the miracle to occur.
2.          Explain in writing how it affects your faith to know that God has this kind of power.
 Knowing that God has this kind of power gives me hope when my family is sick.  I have faith that if it is God's will, then He will heal those that I love who are sick.  When I desire for someone to be healed I have to remember to have additional faith that the Lord will heal them if and when the time is right.  Even more than the faith that someone can be healed, is the faith that the Lord knows what is best and I need to accept His will.

Miracles of the Lord
Who Demonstrated Faith
Matthew 8:1-4
Healing of the leper
The man with leprosy
Matthew 8:5-13

 Healing a man who was not in the presence of Christ, but was in another city.

 The centurion. 
Matthew 8:14-15
Healed Peter's mother-in-law

 Peter's mother-in-law
Matthew 8:16

 Casting out devils, healing the sick

 Those that were healed and had devils cast out
​​Matthew 8:23-27

 Calming the seas
Christ said that the disciples had little faith, but they did have enough faith to wake Christ and ask Him for help.  They had enough faith to know that He could do something.
Matthew 8:28-34

 Devils were cast out of two men and into swine.

 The devils showed faith because called Jesus "Son of God" and asked Him to cast them into the swine.  The devils knew who He was and that He had the power to cast them out of the bodies they were in.
Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34

 Healing the woman with a "blood disease"

 The sick woman
Matthew 9:27-31

 Healed the blind men

 Those that were blind
Mark 2:1-12

 Healed the man who had palsy

 Those that had brought the sick man to Christ