Unit 2 Choice 6
1. Read 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13; 4:1-12; 5:1-22; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-6, 11. Then compile a list of attributes Paul counseled members to improve.
1 Thessalonians 3:12-13; 4:1-12; 5:1-22 love one another, keep the commandments, chastity, honesty, love one another, hard work, watchfulness, sober, faith, hope, missionary work, pray, avoid the appearance of evil, hold fast to the good
2 Thessalonians 3:1-6, 11 hard work, refrain from gossip, keep the commandments, patient, obedience
2. Select three attributes from your list and write plans of how you want to improve in each area.
Prayer - I struggle with having morning prayer, always have. I am in a rush each morning and don’t think to kneel down before I leave my room and with five kids once I leave my room there is not quiet moment to say a prayer. I have had private prayer in my mind and feel that can be effective, but when I am looking for a clear answer to prayer I need a quiet place and time to listen for the answer, and that requires a closed door. I am going to try tying a neckerchief to my bedroom door handle so that every time I open the door I will be reminded to say my morning prayers first.
Hard work - I am about to start one of the hardest times of my life. Homeschooling four kids, babysitting two more, helping a high school student with his homework and doing my own school work each day not to mention keeping the house clean, doing laundry, making meals, and staying sane. I have no idea how I am going to accomplish it all. I like to tell people that all of these activities are things that the Lord has told us that we need to do, so He will prepare a way for me to accomplish them. While that is true, it is also true that I have to put in a lot of effort before He helps me make up the difference. The problem is that I would much rather sit on the couch and watch tv than teach grammar. I am going to have to fight my desire to relax and instead work harder than I ever have before in order to make this all happen. I expect to go to bed exhausted every night. I have done a lot to prepare, but it is only by diving in that I will be able to prove to myself that it is possible.
Missionary work - Even during my time as a full time missionary this was hard for me. I worry too much about what others are going to think of me and whether or not they will still want to be my friend if I start talking about religion. There is one family that we are close to that I know I need to talk to about the church. My husband and I have been talking about it and realized that all we can do is open our mouths and trust that the Lord will fill them with the things we need to say. It is my goal for August to open my mouth and invite them to meet with the missionaries.
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