Monday, June 30, 2014

Lesson Ten

Choice 5: John 13:34-35. A New Commandment
1. According to John 13:34-35, how can others know if we are disciples of Jesus Christ?
Because Christ said that men would know that we are disciples because we love one another I believe that the love must be shown in physical ways. There is only so much love that we can show with a kind look or smile.  For others to see the love that is inside of us there must be an outward manifestation of that love.
2. List some specific ways a disciple of Jesus Christ might respond in the following situations (in accordance with John 13:34-35):
a) Someone you know is ridiculed or made fun of because of the way he or she dresses.
Christ does not care what a person looks like or how they dress.  He spent time with people of all backgrounds and monetary privilege. We should befriend anyone and everyone and not be concerned with what they look like on the outside. We should also come to their rescue and let those that are making fun know that their actions are unacceptable.
b) You see a new person at church.
As hard as it is for me to step outside of my comfort zone I need to introduce myself to new members of our ward as well as those that are visiting.  Coming out of my comfort zone will help them to feel more comfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.
3. Ponder the question, "Do people know that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ by the way I treat them?" Select a family member, coworker, or neighbor and make a short list of the things you can do during the coming week to show him or her the kind of love the Savior would show. Then follow through with what you wrote down.
My oldest son is a teenager. Do I need to say more?  While he struggles with the rages and changes in hormones in his body, the rest of the family deals with the moodiness and outbursts.  I love my son and he knows that, but I want to use this assignment as an opportunity to deepen our relationship and bring us closer together.
My list:
Strive to not yell at him when he yells at me.
Give him at least one hug every day.
Spend one on one time with him at least three times this week (something simple like playing a game, having a conversation, etc.).

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lesson 9

Choice 1: Joseph Smith - Matthew. The Savior Taught About Future Events
1. Joseph Smith - Matthew 1:4 contains questions that the Savior's disciples asked Him. Verses 5-20 contain the answer the Savior gave to their first question regarding the destruction of the temple, and verses 21-55 contain His answer to their other questions concerning His Second Coming and the destruction of the wicked. Read Joseph Smith - Matthew. Then fill in the following chart. After each item you list, write the verse number where you found that item.

Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (JS-M 1:5-20)
Events to Occur- False Christs- verse 6
Saints persecuted- verse 7
Offense, betrayal and hate- verse 8
False prophets shall deceive- verse 9
Tribulation of Jerusalem and Jews- verse 18-20

Promises to the Righteous- Those that are steadfast will be saved- verse 11
The days shall be shortened- verse 20

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (JS-M 1:21-55)
Events to Occur- False Christs and false prophets who will show signs and wonders and deceive- verse 22
Wars and rumors of wars- verse 23 and 28
Famines, pestilences, and earthquakes- verse 29
Gospel will be preached to all nations- verse 31
Sun, moon, and stars will be dark- verse 33
All Christ's words will be fulfilled- verse 35
Christ shall come- verse 36
The elect will be gathered- verse 37
It will be like the days before the Flood- verse 42

Promises to the Righteous- The coming of Christ will be like the sun rising and the light will cover the whole earth- verse 26
The elect will be gathered- verse 27
Those that are not overcome will be saved- verse 30
All Christ's words will be fulfilled- verse 35
Christ shall come- verse 36
Those with testimonies will not be deceived, the elect will be gathered- verse 37
Those that are ready will be blessed- verse 50

2. Study 1 Nephi 22:16-22; Doctrine and Covenants 97:22, 25. Then write a statement that would give hope to a person who worries about the Second Coming.
There will be a lot going on as we prepare for the Second Coming. There will be wars, famines, earthquakes, etc., but there will also be the opportunity for all the earth to learn of Christ and we have been promised that the righteous will not be destroyed.  If we hold fast to our testimonies and follow the prophet, we will be protected and ready to welcome Christ back to the earth.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Lesson Eight

Lesson Eight
Read the information in the institute student manual about "The Last Day of Jesus' Mortal Mission" (pgs. 135-137). Then fill in the following chart with key events that took place during the Savior's final week of mortality:
Day 1 Jesus arrived at Jerusalem riding a colt.  He was welcomed with a Hosanna shout from the people in attendance.  He went to the temple, then retired to Bethany.
Day 2 Jesus cleansed the temple by throwing out all those that were selling and trading within the temple court. He retired to Bethany.
Day 3 Jesus is challenged by the priests, scribes, and Pharisees.  He teaches several parables that illustrate the wrong doings of those that challenge Him.
Day 4 Nothing is known about this day.
Day 5 Jesus celebrates Passover with the Apostles, introduces the Sacrament, and prophesies about his death.  Jesus and the Apostles go to Gethsemane and begins the Atonement. Jesus is betrayed by Judas and is arrested and tried.
Day 6 Jesus is found guilty of blasphemy, and innocent of sedition against the state.  He is sentenced to death because Pilate is afraid of a riot. He is hung on a cross and voluntarily gives up his life (gave up the ghost).  His body is brought down from the cross and placed in a tomb.
Day 7 While His body lay in the tomb Jesus went to the world of spirits and ministered there.
Day of the Resurrection Christ rose from the tomb and appeared to Mary, the Apostles, and others.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Lesson 6

Choice 2: Luke 16:1-12, 19-31; 17:11-19; 1:1-14. Parables and Accounts That Teach Eternal Truths
1. Study the following parables and accounts along with the accompanying commentary from the institute student manual. Describe in writing what you feel is the major principle the Lord wants us to understand from each of the parables:

A. Luke 16:1-12, the parable of the unjust steward. "The Children of This World Are in Their Generation Wiser Than the Children of Light" (pg. 124).
The main idea in this parable is to serve our friends.  While what the steward did was dishonest to his employer, he was not outside of his rights in his job.  This parable is very confusing to me, while I understand the idea of helping friends, I do not believe it should be done in a way that hurts someone else.

B. Luke 16:19-31, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. "What Do We Learn About the Spirit World from the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus?" (pgs. 124-25).
I think the main idea of this parable is not only that we need to live our lives in righteousness in order to be in paradise in the world to come, but also that we need to warn our friends and neighbors.  It is up to us, because we have knowledge of Christ's gospel, to teach those around us so that they too can find paradise in the life to come.  I also like that it was pointed out in the student manual that the void between paradise and spirit prison can be bridged by those that are called to labor in spirit prison as missionaries.

C. Luke 17:11-19, the ten lepers. "Why Were the Ten Lepers to Show Themselves to the Priests?" and "Were There Not Ten Cleansed?" (pg. 130). See also the Bible Dictionary,, "Leprosy" (pg. 724).
I always thought this story was about faith and showing gratitude, but in reading the student manual I found much more.  First Jesus was following the rules of Jewish society in telling the men to show themselves to the priests.  Because of the contagiousness of their disease, a leper was an outcast.  In order to return to society they had to be given permission by a local priest. Also, because the one that returned was a Samaritan, it also continues to show that Jesus loved all men.

D. Luke 18:1-8, the parable of the unjust judge. "Why Did the Lord Give the Parable of the Unjust Judge?" (pg. 131).
We should pray always and trust that the Lord will hear our prayers and answer them.

E. Luke 18:9-14, the parable of the Pharisee and the publican. "Why Did the Lord Give the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican?" (pg. 131).
We must be humble.  Not only did the publican ask for forgiveness, he also showed his humility by bowing his head and not lifting his eyes. Those that are humble will be blessed.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Choice 1: Luke 10:1-24. "The Lord Appointed Other Seventy Also"
1. Review Luke 10:1-24. Based on these verses, write a summary of the Lord's counsel and instructions he gave the seventy.
Prepare the cities for the Lord to come.
Go two by two.
Do not take money or clothing, rely on the people for food and shelter.
Heal the sick.
Teach that Christ has come.
Remove the dust of the cities that do not welcome them as a testimony against them.
They shall not be hurt.
Do not feel pride in themselves, but rejoice that their names are written in heaven.

2. Articles of Faith 1:6 states, "We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church." Using the principles taught from Luke 10:1-2, 8-9, 17-20, write a paragraph that supports this Article of Faith.
Today we have the same offices and organization in our Church as Christ had anciently.  The seventies of our day are called to travel and testify of Christ. Each one is assigned an area of the world wherein they labor to teach others of the gospel and aid the missionaries in their efforts to teach others of Christ. There are currently eight or nine different quorums of seventy in the church, but only those that are called into the First Quorum of the Seventy are considered General Authorities, have a lifetime call, and can work throughout the church. All other seventy can only work in the area they are called to serve and serve for 3-5 years.
While seventy are now called at the Church wide level, there used to be Stake Seventy.  My dad was on of these so I called him and asked about his responsibilities and he told me it was all about missionary work. His assignment was to bear testimony of Jesus Christ, work with the full time missionaries, and teach new members.  These responsibilities are now fulfilled by ward missionaries.

3. Go to the Church's scripture website and read the topic of "Seventy" in the Guide to the Scriptures. Describe in one of two sentences how the scriptures show the existence of this office in the priesthood.
The office of seventy in the Melchizedek priesthood is mentioned several times in the scriptures. In many places in the Doctrine and Covenants the office is mentioned and instruction is given on the responsibilities of the seventy.